Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dear Paula, What mascara is right for me?

Q:  What mascara is right for me?
A:  Good question that many women have. Your mascara should be chosen based on the color your lashes.  Pick from the descriptions below and follow the link to order your perfect mascara.
Clear-to-Very Light Lashes
In most cases redheads with clear-to-very light lashes will find that our JFR Ginger Cocoa will provide a wonderful, natural color. This is the lightest mascara in our line and will give your lashes a slight blonde tint.
Light to Medium Lashes
Medium lashes have wonderful possibilities! Use Ginger Red for a red-brown tint. Choose Ginger Henna or Ginger Auburn for a darker auburn-brown tint. For an even darker more dramatic look choose Ginger Brown.
Medium-to-dark lashes
Medium-to-dark lashes demand more definition, but not the harsh 'black' look of mascaras found at the makeup counter. Choose Ginger Henna or Ginger Auburn for a auburn-brown look; choose Ginger Brown for a warm-brown look that doesn't turn your lashes black. Exquisite combinations are now possible and are as flexible as your busy schedule demands.

#justforredheads, #redheadmascara

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